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Northeast Florida’s Trusted Criminal Law Practice

If you or a family member are facing criminal charges, we understand the stress and uncertainty you may be experiencing. At the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A., we are an experienced criminal law practice representing the accused in criminal cases in Clay, Duval and St. Johns County, Florida. Let us help you navigate through these challenging times with the compassionate and aggressive legal representation your case demands. With over two decades of criminal law experience, our law firm has the in-depth knowledge and expertise necessary to handle the unique circumstances of your criminal case.

When you are facing criminal charges, seek the qualified and highly effective legal services at the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A. Individuals who have been arrested and charged with a crime can call our law office and receive a complimentary, risk-free consultation. Get in touch with us today.

lawyer and criminal in handcuffs

Protecting the Rights of the Accused

Criminal charges can destroy your personal life, so it is vital to quickly hire a criminal defense attorney that will aggressively protect your rights, fight for your freedom, and preserve your reputation. Criminal defendants have a right to legal representation of their choice, and there is no substitute for experience.

handcuffs and gavel

Cases We Handle

Maryanne Yeomans Sheils is well-versed in criminal law, having successfully represented hundreds of clients who were arrested for various criminal charges, including:

  • Assault
  • Burglary
  • Driving Under the Influence
  • Leaving the Scene of an Accident
  • Hit & Runs
  • Domestic Violence
  • Battery
  • Murder
  • Drug Trafficking & Other Drug-Related Crimes
  • Sex Crimes
  • Child Abuse
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Grand Theft
  • Juvenile Crimes
  • Probation Violations
  • Misdemeanors
  • Weapons Charges
  • Suspended License
  • Violation of Restraining Orders

Get the Expert Legal Counsel You Deserve

For more than two decades, Maryanne Yeomans Sheils has provided expert legal representation to clients throughout Northeast Florida. Our legal team takes a deliberate and aggressive approach to every case and will vigorously fight to uphold your freedom. If you have been arrested and criminally charged, the best defense is an experienced defense attorney that will be by your side throughout the duration of your case. At the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A., we will dedicate every effort to getting your life back. Call us today for a free consultation.

Call for a Case Consultation Today