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Florida Dependency Law Attorneys

In cases where the Department of Children and Families (D.C.F.) alleges abuse, neglect or abandonment, the State can take your children from you and place them in foster care. Aggressive, knowledgeable representation is necessary in these cases to ensure that you do not lose your rights to your children forever.

At the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A. we are an experienced team that is well-versed in the dependency laws. We offer compassionate and zealous legal representation for parents at all stages of the proceedings from the initial shelter to adjudicatory hearings, permanency and termination of parental rights proceedings.

We also work with relatives and other parties who are seeking placement of children who have been removed and would like to provide a temporary home until the parents can regain custody or they want to adopt the children permanently.

It is never too early to contact a lawyer when D.C.F. is involved in your family’s life. Call the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A. for a consultation today.

child holding a teddy bear

Placing a Priority on Family

When parents are suspected of child abuse, neglect, or abandonment, a dependency petition can be brought before the court system and your children can be removed from your care. The primary objective of Florida dependency cases is to reunite children with their parents. These civil cases are very sensitive and emotional proceedings, requiring the skill and insight of an experienced dependency attorney. At the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A., we understand the nature of dependency cases and what is at stake. We will work diligently to collect all the facts surrounding your case in order to support the decision to return your child to your legal care. We take pride in taking on these challenges and are passionate about helping families resolve complex legal challenges.

Your Dedicated Attorney Advocate

When you are faced with your children being taken out of your home and a dependency case filed in court, it is important to act quickly. Parents have a right to an adjudicatory hearing which is a trial where the State has to prove the allegations of abuse. Maryanne Yeomans Sheils has years of experience taking these cases to trial to prove the allegations made by the State are false. Our team possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience handling Florida dependency cases and are here to advocate on your behalf. No matter the circumstances of your situation, we have the legal guidance and support you need to resolve the most complex legal matters. Get in touch with us to discuss your situation with us today.

Call for a Case Consultation Today