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Helping Families in Northeast Florida

Legal disputes arising from family law matters can cause a tremendous amount of stress for everyone involved.  If you are facing a family law matter, let us help lift some of that burden by letting us handle your legal fight. The Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A. specializes in family law, providing knowledgeable, attentive legal representation for clients throughout Clay, Duval and St. Johns County, FL. We are proud to help families settle disputes and relieve the burden and stress that results from these types of cases.

Regardless of the details of your family law matter, you should seek a qualified and experienced family law attorney to help you navigate through the potentially rigorous and highly emotional legal proceedings. Get in touch with us to discuss your unique circumstance and gain an ally in your family law case today.

man hugging girl

Handling Family Matters With Empathy

At the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A., we know how distressing a family law dispute can be for families. For many years, our law firm has provided our clients with compassionate legal counsel and aggressive, effective strategies to protect our client’s rights and their family’s best interests during stressful times. As a well-respected legal team, we possess an in-depth understanding of family law and have successfully litigated hundreds of cases for clients involved in family legal matters such as:

  • Adoptions
  • Child Custody
  • Divorce
  • Modifications
  • Alimony
  • Child Support
  • Name Changes
  • Relocations
  • Temporary Custody for Extended Family Members

Turn to the Family Law Experts You Can Trust

When faced with a tough family legal matter, you do not have to face it alone. Our team at the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A. is here to help you handle your legal situation with confidence. We remain committed to our long tradition of providing aggressive, proactive legal support and will expertly work by your side through every step of the process. We will explain all of your options and provide the answers you need to make the most informed legal decisions. If you are in need of assistance in a family law matter, get in touch with us and discover the caring and supportive legal support your unique circumstance demands.

Call for a Case Consultation Today