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Protecting Juvenile Rights

Being charged with a crime as a juvenile can have drastic, long-lasting consequences for the rest of your life. Even without a conviction, a criminal arrest can stay on your record for many years, remaining accessible to potential employers and education admissions counselors that conduct a criminal background check. If your child has been arrested for a crime, turn to the experienced law firm you can trust. At the Law Offices of Maryanne Yeomans Sheils P.A., we specialize in juvenile criminal law, providing expert legal representation to juveniles accused of crimes in Clay, Duval and St. Johns County.

Our legal team recognizes the impact a criminal record can have on a young person’s life. As your legal counsel, we will go above and beyond to provide the detailed, compassionate, and aggressive representation you need to ensure your child’s future. Get in touch with us today.  We offer free consultations on all criminal cases.


You Can Count on Our Expert Legal Support

As a former prosecutor, Maryanne has an in-depth understanding of the court system, how juvenile cases are handled, and how to navigate young individuals and their families through the challenges of a criminal court case to obtain the best possible results. With her extensive knowledge, experience, and proven success rate, she is highly effective in protecting juvenile defendants’ rights. When you hire our experienced juvenile defense team, you will gain expert legal support that will be by your side every step of the way.

Do Not Let a Crime Ruin Your Child’s Future

When your child has been arrested and charged with a crime, time is of the essence. Seek our highly qualified legal expertise and we will educate you on Florida juvenile laws and explain your child’s unique circumstance, allowing you to make the most informed legal decisions. As your child’s legal counsel, we will handle their case with prioritized attention and thoughtful, personalized care to secure the best possible outcome. Call us today and schedule a free consultation to discuss your options with us.

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